This completely new dictionary takes due account of the very latest developments in both languages.It is designed for wide use and is suitable for beginners and more advanced students alike.
* Comprehensive vocabulary including many idiomatic expressions
* Hundreds of new terms such as word processor, debug, ecosystem; alantopu, tele-kız,tüp bebek etc., as well as colloquial words and phrases
* Technical expression from the field of politics, economics, communications etc.
* Syllabification
* Phonetic transcription following the principles of the ınternational Phonetic Association
* In the Turkish-English Language Association
* Appendices; Irregular verbs, abbrevitions, numerals, weights and measures 768 pages, 50, 000 words and phrases
Sayfa Sayısı: 776
Baskı Yılı: 2016
Dili: Türkçe
Yayınevi: İnkılap Kitabevi