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İngilizce Türkçe - Türkçe İngilizce Cep Sözlüğü

İngilizce Türkçe - Türkçe İngilizce Cep Sözlüğü (9789751003317)

Fournisseur : İnkılap Kitabevi
Point de monnaie : 100
Taux d`actualisation : %54 Réduction
TVA Inclus : $30.86
Réduit : $14.20
TVA Inclus : $14.20
Code-barres : 9789751003317
20-30 Euro Kitaplar
Ekim Ayı 1 Euro Ürünler

This completely new dictionary takes due account of the very latest developments in both languages.It is designed for wide use and is suitable for beginners and more advanced students alike.
* Comprehensive vocabulary including many idiomatic expressions
* Hundreds of new terms such as word processor, debug, ecosystem; alantopu, tele-kız,tüp bebek etc., as well as colloquial words and phrases
* Technical expression from the field of politics, economics, communications etc.
* Syllabification
* Phonetic transcription following the principles of the ınternational Phonetic Association
* In the Turkish-English Language Association
* Appendices; Irregular verbs, abbrevitions, numerals, weights and measures 768 pages, 50, 000 words and phrases

Sayfa Sayısı: 776

Baskı Yılı: 2016

Dili: Türkçe
Yayınevi: İnkılap Kitabevi
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