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The Man Next Door +Audio (Nuance Readers Level-3)
Pauline O'CarolanAllgemeine ThemenThe Man Next Door +Audio (Nuance Readers Level-3)

The Man Next Door +Audio (Nuance Readers Level-3) (9789757103394)

Lieferant : Nüans
Geldpunkte : 100
Rabatt-rate : %48 Rabatt
inkl. MwSt : $20.07
mit Rabatt : $9.90  + MwSt
inkl. MwSt : $10.49
Strichcode : 9789757103394
10-20 Euro Kitaplar

When Pat Devlin goes to visit his friend Annie in Glasgow, he is surprised at how rude her next door neighbour is. The man isn’t only unfriendly - he also makes a lot of noise, which keeps Annie and her mother awake at all hours. Pat and Annie begin to suspect that this strange man is not who he says he is. They decide to investigate. 

Basım Dili : İngilizce
Basım Yeri : Ankara
Sayfa Sayısı : 72
En / Boy : 13 / 19.5
Kağıt Cinsi : Kuşe
Basım Tarihi : .2007
cultureSettings.RegionId: 0 cultureSettings.LanguageCode: DE