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Riza Kutlu Isik’s book on Isiklar Holding’s success story spanning 40 years was published in English Isıklar Holding’s chairman and CEO Riza Kutlu Isik wrote a book on Isiklar Holding’s success story spanning 40 years. The English version of the book, which comes after the Turkish version, tells the Holding’s development with good and bad exemplary real-life stories. The book is called “Life is not a challenge, challenge is life“. Isiklar Holding manages funds and investments of millions of dollars. Also three companies of Isiklar Holding are publicly-traded.
Isiklar Holding’s story started with a petrol station in Bartın Turkey and today reached five continents of the world with exports. The 40 years of history is written by Isiklar Holding’s chairman and CEO Riza Kutlu Isik. In a book, named “Life is not a challenge, challenge is life“. Riza Kutlu Isik tells his story when he took over management of the company, following the death of his father when he was 27 years-old.
In addition to these, Isik has a 2nd Dan black belt in karate and is an international B category karate judge. In his book, he also talks about the contributions of karate to his struggle in business life.
The book gives messages to everyone in the business world. It will be available at all outstanding bookstores. Isik is an economics graduate from Bosphorus University He graduated from Northfield Mount Hermon School in the USA in 1981 and achieved his B.A. degree in Economics from Bosphorus University in 1985. He served as a member and the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of Isiklar Holding between 1985 and 1990. He is presently the Chairman and the CEO of the Board of Directors of Isiklar Holding and its group companies. He also continues to serve as the Chairman of the Board of Turgut Isik Foundation for education and health, TISK Microsurgery Foundation and Paper Industry Employers Union.