Arkadaşını Davet Et

Global View of Energy and Environment in Engineering
KolektifYabancı Dilde KitaplarGlobal View of Energy and Environment in Engineering

Global View of Energy and Environment in Engineering (9786052587546)

Marke : Kolektif
Geldpunkte : 100
Rabatt-rate : %48 Rabatt
inkl. MwSt : $21.73
mit Rabatt : $10.59  + MwSt
inkl. MwSt : $11.22
Strichcode : 9786052587546
10-20 Euro Kitaplar


Chapter 1 Inter-Turn Wındıng Fault Analysıs And Investıgatıon Of Effect On Statıc And Magnetıc Characterıstıc Of Three-Phase Inductıon

Motor Usıng Fem

Chapter 2 A Brıef Overvıew On Alternatıve Hybrıd Energy Systems

Chapter 3 A Revıew Study On Empırıcal Models For The Estımatıon Of Global Solar Radıatıon

Chapter 4 Comparıson Of Spıke Noıse Removıng Performances Of Dıfferent Fılters For

Low Level Sensor Data

Chapter 5 Investıgatıon Of Mechanıcal Behavıor Of Dıfferent Steels In Mıg And Tıg Weldıng Joınts In Haz

Chapter 6 Envıronment And Textıle: Natural Cotton Fıber And Cotton Yarn Waste

Chapter 7 Crystal Defects And Defınıtıons

Chapter 8 Investıgatıon Of Cotton Waste In Weavıng

Chapter 9 Applıcatıons Of Three Dımensıonal (3d) Graphene Networks As An Electrode Materıals For Supercapacıtors

Chapter 10 Preparatıon Of Al/Zn3%-Pva/P-Sı Structures And Investıgatıon Of Theır Electrıcal Behavıor

Basım Dili : İngilizce
Basım Yeri : İstanbul
Sayfa Sayısı : 115
En / Boy : 16 / 24
Kağıt Cinsi : 1. Hamur
Basım Tarihi : 12.2019
cultureSettings.RegionId: 0 cultureSettings.LanguageCode: DE